
When you are looking for a lawyer, you will usually read about having a “consultation,” or an “initial consultation.” But, what exactly does that mean?

A consultation is a meeting between people that involves gaining information, discussing issues, and/or seeking advice. In a consultation there will be an information exchange and back-and-forth conversation in some form.

A consultation can happen in person, online, on the telephone, or (less commonly) via email exchanges. An “initial consultation” simply means the first consultation you have, and it is almost always the first step in engaging the services of a professional person, including a lawyer.

Most of the time, an initial consultation with a lawyer will last for at least one hour. The lawyer you meet with will listen to you, and talk with you about the issues that have brought you to them. He or she will give you information about various options and scenarios with regard to hiring a lawyer, and inform you about the law in the most helpful way possible given the time restraints and the introductory nature of the meeting.

You should be able to walk out of an initial consultation with more information than you had when you walked in, and with a clearer idea of your situation. The lawyer should be able to give you an idea of what you can expect from your professional relationship going forward, including with respect to steps you may wish to consider taking, how complex your problem is or may become, and the costs associated with different courses of action you have to choose from.